Corona Virus Update
As Registered Massage Therapists, we are permitted to remain open for appointments. Please note that there are several new protocols that are in place. Here is what you need to know about changes that have been made within my practice.
My cleaning practises align with the Infection Control Guidelines for Regulated Health Professionals.
Here are the considerations and protocols I am using within my practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
My practice is within my home therefore there are no other practitioners in my treatment space. There is no waiting area and all clients are seen on a 1-on-1 basis.
Signage is posted outside of my home advising on hand sanitization and self screening requirements.
30 minutes are between treatments to thoroughly sanitize my treatment room, bathroom, equipment and all surfaces that may have come into contact with previous client.
All linens (including blankets) will be washed and dried on the highest setting possible.
Vinyl pillow protectors have been added to all pillows/bolsters
I sanitize/clean treatment room thoroughly between clients with hospital grade disinfectant
Ministry of health no longer requires masks to be worn by the therapist or client however it is your choice if you still wish to wear one during your treatment.
Actions required by you, the client.
Self screening is required before your appointment. Please monitor yourself for any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or seasonal Influenza.
As per the Ministry of Health’s screening protocol, if you are exhibiting any symptoms you must stay home. Please contact me as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment.
If you have received the Covid-19 Vaccine, we would highly recommend that you wait for 14 days after the date of your injection before getting a treatment.
To limit contact with other clients who may be leaving their appointment, please arrive no more than 5 minutes before your treatment.
Please come alone for your treatment unless accompanying a child
A clean cloth or disposable mask may be worn throughout your treatment if you choose
Upon entering my home for your session, you will be asked to sanitise or wash your hands before your treatment.
Preferred method of payment is debit/credit tap if applicable or e-transfer to avoid using pin-pad.
Cancellation Policy
If you are cancelling your appointment due to illness, I will be waiving the cancellation fee at this time. If you are sick or showing signs of being sick, please contact me as soon as possible. NO SHOWS or late appointments will still be charged in full. The charge for a late or missed appointment is not billable to insurance companies.
Certification Requirements
In order to practice as a Registered Massage Therapist during COVID-19, I have completed theses training resources:
Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Core Competencies modules:
IPAC Core Competencies: Additional Precautions
IPAC Core Competencies: Administrative Controls
IPAC Core Competencies: Chain of Transmission and Risk Assessment
IPAC Core Competencies: Control of the Environment
IPAC Core Competencies: Health Care Provider Controls
IPAC Core Competencies: Occupational Health and Safety
IPAC Core Competencies: Personal Risk Assessment (select all modules appropriate to your practice setting)
Hand Hygiene E-Learning Tool
View Public Health Ontario’s instructional videos.
Hand Hygiene
PPE – Facial Protection
PPE – Gown and Gloves
I will continue to follow all Covid-19 protocols as always and will continue to monitor the directives and updates as they become available and let you know if anything changes.
Last updated: May 2023